Clarification Text


Purpose and Scope

As EXPO Supply (, our company in line with the importance we attach to the security of your personal data, all kinds of personal data we hold within our organization are processed, stored, and transferred in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698. This informative text has been prepared in accordance with the 10th article of the Law titled "Obligation of Data Officer to Disclosure" regarding your personal data collected, stored, and processed by as "Data Officer".

Within the scope of the "Privacy Policy" text shared with you by EXPO Supply, your explicit consent is requested in order to process your personal data processed by EXPO Supply in the following ways, together with the conditions specified as processing conditions in the law. 

Purpose of Processing Personal Data

In accordance with the KVKK (Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698), personal data is defined as all kinds of data belonging to a certain and identifiable natural person, and all kinds of data to be accepted within this scope are considered subject to the relevant legislation by EXPO Supply. In this context, providing personal data, EXPO Supply services and carrying out the necessary works within this scope, contacting you about our services in the presence of your express consent, carrying out marketing activities, performing customer acquisition studies, and sharing offers regarding our services in relation to this, making them within the scope of company activities making necessary reports, customer statistics, and similar reviews, etc. are processed within the scope of purposes.

Collection of Personal Data and Legal Reason

Personal data; including but not limited to websites, customer interviews, designs; is acquired for processing, transfer, and storage for the purposes outlined above from any verbal, written, or electronic media.

1. Transfer of Personal Data

The company may share personal data with the following persons for the purposes described above:
- With the relevant departments that provide services to continue the company activities and business processes,
- Domestic and/or foreign service providers who process personal data on behalf of the company,
- When necessary, with official authorities, supplier companies, public institutions, business partners, and insurance companies,
Any transfer of personal data that is incompatible with our Company activities other than the purposes given above will not be carried out without the explicit consent of the data owner.
Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Data Processed

Personal data owner, by applying to EXPO Supply in accordance with article 11 of KVKK (Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698);
a. learning whether your personal data is processed,
b. to request information about personal data if it has been processed,
c. to learn the purpose of processing the personal data and whether it is used appropriately,
d. to know the third parties whose personal data is transferred domestically or abroad,
e. If personal data are incomplete or incorrectly processed, to request their correction and to request their deletion or destruction within the framework of the conditions stipulated in article 7 of the KVKK (Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698),
f. to request the third parties to whom their personal data is transferred to be notified of the transactions made in accordance with subparagraphs (d) and (e),
g. object to the occurrence of a result against you due to the analysis of your personal data, especially with automated systems,
h. in the event that you suffer damage due to the unlawful processing of personal data, it has the right to demand compensation of the damage.
Requests submitted within this scope will be concluded free of charge by EXPO Supply within thirty days at the latest. However, if a fee is stipulated by the Personal Data Protection Board, the fee in the tariff determined by our company will be charged.

Explicit Consent Text Regarding Processing Personal Data

Pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 ("KVKK"); I was informed about; what purpose my personal data will be processed by EXPO Supply, to whom and for what purpose the processed personal data can be transferred, the method and legal reason for collecting personal data and other rights listed in Article 11 of the KVKK (Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698).

I have read, understood, examined, evaluated, approved, and knowingly understood and accepted all the issues stated above within the scope of the "Privacy Policy" Text; In this context, the necessary lighting has been provided to me, without prejudice to my claims and litigation rights for damages that may arise from your company's fault or negligence during the implementation of the above issues; as a result of my free will, I accept, declare and undertake that I approve the sharing of my personal data defined in the KVKK and the content and the method of collection specified in the text of the "Privacy Policy" with the above-mentioned persons and processing within the scope defined in the KVKK.

If you want to contact us for your requests;

If you want to contact us, give feedback or direct your questions within the scope of KVKK (Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698), you can send your request to Izmir/Turkey, by hand, transmit it through a notary, or by calling +90 542 305 31 57
In this context, written applications to be made regarding the subject will be accepted following the identity verification to be made by us, and to the relevant persons will be returned within the legal periods.

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