Privacy Policy


1- Purpose and Scope

This information text, in the capacity of "data controller", is within the scope of Article 10 of the Law on Protection of Personal Data (Law) No. 6698, in order to fulfill the "obligation of enlightenment" by EXPO Supply. 

With this informative text, our applications regarding the processing of your personal data from all of our digital assets (websites, desktop, and mobile applications) used by EXPO Supply, the purposes for which your data is collected, in what ways it is used, how this information can be changed, existing under the KVKK (Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698) it contains our notifications regarding your rights and the situations you want to communicate with us. Your use of this website will mean that you have read and accepted the privacy practices set forth in this text.

2- Definitions

KVKK: Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 of Turkey
Company: EXPO Supply(hereinafter referred to as: “EXPO Supply”, “Our Company” “we”, “us”, “our”) refers to the legal entity governing the website
Personal Data: All kinds of information regarding an identified or identifiable natural person
Data Supervisor: The person who determines the purposes and means of processing personal data and manages the place where the data is systematically kept (data recording system)
Data Processor: Real and legal person who processes personal data on behalf of the data controller based on the authority given by him/her
Processing of Personal Data: Obtaining, recording, storing, preserving, changing, rearranging, disclosing, transferring, taking over, making available, classifying, preventing the use of personal data fully or partially automatic or non-automatic, provided that they are part of any data recording system all kinds of operations on data such as
Making Personal Data Anonymous: Making personal data not associated with an identified or identifiable natural person, even by matching other data.
Explicit Consent: It means consent that is based on the information and declared with free will regarding a specific subject.

3- Information on Data Controller

In legal persons, the data controller is the legal entity itself. Data controller obligations of legal entities residing in Turkey within the scope of the Law are fulfilled by the body/person or persons authorized to represent and bind the legal entity. The body authorized to represent the legal entity may appoint one or more persons regarding the obligations to be fulfilled in terms of the implementation of the Law. This assignment does not remove the responsibility of the legal entity in accordance with the provisions of the Law.

As the data controller, information about EXPO Supply is as follows;

Data Controller;
Title: EXPO Supply
Address: Adalet Mah. Manas Bulvarı No: 39 /3107 Folkart Towers Bayraklı - İZMİR
Phone: +90 542 305 31 57

4- Purpose of Processing Personal Data

EXPO Supply processes personal data for the following purposes;

• Fulfilling obligations regarding public receivables such as taxes within the scope of tax laws, Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102 and other legal regulations,
• Taking measures regarding the protection of consumer rights within the scope of the Consumer Protection Law No. 6502,
• Receiving orders for the products that the relevant persons want to buy from ÖZTEL TEL ÖRGÜ, selling the products, delivering the products to the relevant persons, collecting the costs, providing after-sales services regarding the sold product, measuring customer satisfaction, collecting complaints and suggestions, if any, regarding the product or service sold, and evaluation, 
• Arranging distance sales agreement for purchases made through electronic commerce platforms, verifying the identity of the person concerned,
• Increasing service quality,
• Carrying out campaigns, promotions, advertisements, and promotional activities regarding products and services, providing information on these issues,

5-  Collection of Personal Data and Legal Reasons

Personal data can be obtained directly from the person concerned, or indirectly from online sales platforms, dealers, solution partner institutions, and organizations, depending on the purpose of obtaining the acquired data.

Personal data is obtained from all kinds of verbal, written, or electronic media, including but not limited to websites, customer interviews, and designs, to be processed, transferred, and stored for the purposes stated above.

Within the framework of our legal obligations arising from KVKK(Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698) and other relevant legislation as a data controller by EXPO Supply; through our company, our corporate website, our cooperation partners, our employees, social media platforms, and using these channels, to provide you with quality services and within this framework for carrying out our business and commercial activities; within the framework of the legal reasons that arise and are executed based on the relevant legislation, contract, demand, and integrity rules; your personal data, including personal data of special nature, are collected by verbal, written, or electronic methods based on express consent.

In this context, your personal data can be collected by real or legal persons who process data on behalf of EXPO Supply, in writing or electronically, using the following methods;

● Forms used for shopping and membership through our website,
● The contact forms you use to apply through our website,
● Contact forms on our websites or third-party websites that you fill in to contact us,
● Using Google Maps,
● Using browser cookies,
● Using mobile and desktop browser notifications,
● Using the Google Analytics service,
● Using Google AdSense,
● Contact forms you fill out to contact us on our websites or third-party websites
● Contracts you have signed with our company and the e-mails you have sent to our company
● Information provided to our employees,
● Use of social media channels and search engines such as Google

6- Transactions About Processing Personal Data

The personal data to be processed by EXPO Supply are listed below, and when required and/or required by law, new information can be added and/or changed within the scope of legal legislation.

As EXPO Supply, we process your personal data for the purposes listed below;

● Carry out our activities,
● Managing shopping processes
● Provide support services within the scope of the contract and service standards,
● Determine the preferences and needs of our online visitors and to shape and update the services we provide within this scope,
● Ensure that our legal obligations are fulfilled, required by legal regulations, or as required by legal regulations
● Conduct market research and statistical studies,
● Contact people who have business relations with the company,
● Marketing,
● Legal reporting,
● Billing,
● Provide corporate communication,
● Sending newsletters or notifications by e-mail.

7- Transfer of Processed Personal Data

EXPO Supply may share personal data with the following persons for the purposes described above:

• Relevant departments that provide services to maintain company activities and business processes,
• Domestic and/or foreign service providers who process personal data on behalf of the company,
• When necessary, with official authorities, supplier companies, public institutions, business partners, and insurance companies
Any transfer of personal data that is incompatible with our company activities other than the purposes given above will not be carried out without the explicit consent of the data owner.

8- Period of Keeping Your Personal Data

If a period of time is specified for the storage of data in the law or the relevant legislation, the data in question must be kept for at least this period. A possible court request or by taking into consideration the probabilities such as late arrival of the request of an administrative authority authorized by law for the relevant data or the occurrence of a dispute to which we may be a party, a period of 6 months to 1 year is added to the periods stipulated in the legislation for the storage of your data, and the storage period of the data is determined and at the end of the specified period, the said data is deleted.

If the legislation does not stipulate a period for the storage period of the data we process, your data will be stored for the period specified in the contract with you and as required by the relationship between us. Your data will be deleted, destroyed, or anonymized without your request after this relationship ends or after the period specified in the contract.

If you request that your data, whose storage period is specified in the legislation, be deleted before the stipulated periods, your request will not be realized.

If you request the deletion of your data for which a period of time is not stipulated in the legislation regarding the storage period and is not intended for processing, it will be deleted immediately or within 6 months at the latest.

9- Deletion, Destruction, or Anonymization of Personal Data

Your personal data is processed for the purposes specified in the Privacy Policy; KVKK (Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698) art.7 / 1. your personal data will continue to be used by us by being anonymized when the purpose that requires processing in accordance with this is no longer available.

10- Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Data Processed

Personal data owner, by applying to EXPO Supply in accordance with article 11 of KVKK (Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698);

a. learning whether your personal data is processed,
b. to request information about personal data if it has been processed
c. to learn the purpose of processing the personal data and whether it is used appropriately,
d. to know the third parties whose personal data is transferred domestically or abroad,
e. if personal data are incomplete or incorrectly processed, to request their correction and to request their deletion or destruction within the framework of the conditions stipulated in article 7 of the KVKK (Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698),
f. to request the third parties to whom their personal data is transferred to be notified of the transactions made in accordance with subparagraphs (d) and (e),
g. object to the occurrence of a result against you due to the analysis of your personal data, especially with automated systems,
h. in the event that you suffer damage due to the unlawful processing of personal data, it has the right to demand compensation of the damage.

Requests submitted within this scope will be concluded free of charge by EXPO Supply within thirty days at the latest. However, if a fee is stipulated by the Personal Data Protection Board, the fee in the tariff determined by our company will be charged. 

11- Ways of Using Your Rights Regarding Your Processed Personal Data

It’s important to keep the data you have shared with us in an accurate and up-to-date manner for KVKK (Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698) and other relevant legislation. Therefore, for any changes or updates regarding the personal data, you have shared; you can contact us by sending an e-mail to In this way, it will be easier to keep your personal data up-to-date and accurate, which will be kept by us, as well as prevent any mistakes.

In accordance with the Communiqué on Application Procedures and Principles to the Data Supervisor, the Relevant Person's name, surname, a signature if the application is in writing, T.C. identification number (passport number if the applicant is a foreigner), place of residence, or workplace for notification, e-mail address for notification, if any, telephone number and fax number, and information on the subject of the request must be found.

The Related Person must clearly and understandably state the subject requested in the application, which includes explanations about the right he will make and demand to use the rights mentioned above. Information and documents related to the application must be attached to the application.

Although the subject of the request must be related to the person of the applicant, if acting on behalf of someone else, the applicant must be specially authorized in this regard and this authority must be documented (special power of attorney). In addition, the application must contain identity and address information, and documents confirming the identity must be attached to the application.

Requests made by unauthorized third parties on behalf of someone else will not be taken into consideration.

12- User Statement 

In accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data, I have provided the above information text regarding the processing of my personal data by EXPO Supply and its affiliated partners and organizations on the date I stated below; that I have read, analyzed, evaluated and accepted all the points stated above knowing, understanding and accepting; in the course of the implementation of the above issues, the damages that may arise due to the fault or negligence of your Company and the rights of the lawsuit are reserved, as a result of my free will, for the purposes and reasons stated in this "Privacy Policy", and both the content and the place and method of the meeting above. I accept, declare, and undertake that I approve the sharing of my personal data with the above-mentioned persons and their processing within the scope defined in KVKK (Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698).

Company name: EXPO Supply
Adress: Adalet Mah. Manas Bulvarı No: 39 /3107 Folkart Towers Bayraklı - İZMİR
Telephone: +90 542 305 31 57
Last updated on April 29, 2022

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